
Power test for used Liebherr engines

Power test for used Liebherr engines

When you buy a used engine, you want to make sure it is running properly. That is why we deliver all our engines with a test report. Before being sold, every engine is tested on our special test bench. Read on to find out how this works.

Our engine test

  1.        We start with a visual inspection of the engine.
  2.        We mount the engine onto our test block, connect the dyno (electronic brake) and perform a compression test.
  3.        All sensors are connected (pressure sensor, temperature sensor, speed sensor etc.).
  4.        We start with the endurance test. We run the engine at 30% load to get it up to operating temperature.
  5.        This test also includes a visual inspection. We make sure there are no leakages, and check the crankcase pressure. At this point in time, our specialists are already getting a pretty good idea about the condition of the engine.
  6.        The second test is the power test. Read more about this test below.
  7.        The test report is printed.
  8.        If no imperfections are found, the engine is delivered to the customer, accompanied by the test report.

The power test (dyno test)

We use the power test to determine whether the used engine still has the same power output as stated in the factory values. This is a good indication of whether the motor is still suitable for assembly.

Liebherr engines are regulated to 2,000 to 2,100 revolutions per minute on average. We let the engine run freely at this speed at the start. Next, we charge the engine increasingly with the dyno (electric brake) we have installed. The engine will have to consume increasing amounts of fuel in order to keep running at 2,000 rpm as the load increases.

At a certain point, the load will become so high that the engine speed will start to drop. The engine power will continue to increase up to a certain point. For Liebherr engines, this point is reached at around 1,800 revolutions per minute. If the speed drops even further, the power will also drop. We usually stop at 1,700 to 1,600 rpm because we have already measured the peak and Liebherr engines do not reach this speed range.

We measure these values.

We monitor all measurable values during testing. This allows us to tell you what the condition of the engine is. Think of values like:

-          Exhaust temperature

-          Inlet temperature

-          Coolant temperature

-          Oil temperature

-          Fuel pressure

-          Oil pressure

-          Inlet pressure

-          Revolutions per minute

How should I read the report?

The graph below has two lines. You can see the power and torque of the engine at a certain number of revolutions. It is actually best to read this graph from right to left because we start with a free run at 2,000 rpm. The more the dyno brakes, the more the engine loses speed.

Can every engine be tested?

Pretty much any Liebherr engine can be tested. The test bench was built to withstand forces of up to 7,000 nm. Because a test never runs for longer than 1 minute on the highest power seting, the dyno will not overheat, even with great forces.

How long do the measured values continue to apply?

A test report is a snapshot. The values will not remain the same when the engine is used because with normal use, engines wear out and this affects the power that an engine delivers.

Unique in the world: dyno test for used Liebherr engines

We only supply reliable used Liebherr parts. That is why we offer this service, which is unique for used Liebherr engines. All our engines are delivered with an extensive test report. This means that quality is assured, and you will always get a minimum of one month's warranty on the engine.

If you would like to find out more about our tests, please contact our specialist or look in our webshop for our complete range of used engines.